Claire Josephs

Claire begins the OIS Krav Maga courses in 2013 with the Teenagers class before she incorporates the adults classes a year later. In 2015, according to her reliable work and her wish to teach, Ludovic JOST suggests her to assist him in the kids class. It’s the teaching to the youngest that partially helps Claire to improve herself.

She embarks for her Instructor journey in 2017 with her first Instructor course during which she succeeds in the first part of her certificate.

No one is safe to violence in the current society anymore and it’s for this reason that Claire chose to start teaching the OIS Krav Maga. Giving back the knowledge about defense techniques especially to the youngest ones is essential nowadays and simple moves can save lives. It’s with this thought permanently in mind that Claire works to give the best to the students of the EKM3F. She continues to train herself by attending the various courses and trainings of the OIS Krav Maga and also by always supporting Ludovic JOST for the kids classes.


  • OIS Assistant Instructor
  • First part of OIS Instructor certificate attended (100h of training)


Ecole de Krav Maga des 3 Frontières
68300 Saint-Louis
Alsace - France

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