Aaron ELBAZE is an expert counter terrorism and high criminality enforcement.
He is known for his membership in the OKM "Operational Krav Maga" system, created in the 80s by Gabriel SHAI renowned anti-terror instructor at the time director of the department KRAV MAGA in the ISA - Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet).
Longtime student of Gabriel SHAI, Aaron Elbaze collaborated with pride at his side in the development of OKM: as an International Expert, its role has been to modernize and continuously develop the OKM technics and adapt to constant enemy changes (Modus Operandi). He was the first to successfully adapt the philosophy of operational training at various civilian group (men, women and children).
Today, Aaron Elbaze is pleased to announce the creation of ISRAELI OPERATIVE SYSTEM (OIS Krav Maga): its creation is part of a comprehensive self-serving logic of an increasingly sharp looking for adaptation to local realities.
His research with people with different disabilities and integration of the method "ortho emotion" in the management of post traumatic reactions allowed the development of a program based on the reality and feasibility of the technologies in all circumstances and for all, without concessions on the effectiveness of the system.
On civilians, the single drive OIS Krav Maga method allows anyone to have the physical and mental tools to defend themselves. Trainings OIS allow the acquisition in a short time, other than the technics, self-confidence and realism to situations of life that goes beyond self-defense.
On professional, the growing of Aaron Elbaze involvement in the fight against high crime and its various international meetings the place now heads a center for research and development in which experts in high crime consult and work together to provide the best possible technical and human solutions.
These experts come from different backgrounds such as experts Israeli military and security, trainers FBI anti fight mafia: they are all operational experts to ensure their skills to the veracity and effectiveness of the system developed by Aaron Elbaze .
People with different skills (psychologists, teachers in Chinese medicine or lawyers) have also joined this research center to provide a comprehensive approach in the field of safety.